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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises is gonna Kick Ass

I, like many of my friends, am very excited to see The Dark Knight Rises on the 20 of this month. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is coming to an end with this film, and it looks like it's going to be an amazing send-off. Bane is going to fuck Bruce's shit all kinds of up, a far cry better than the events of his last movie.

Pictured: Bane

What really has me overly-excited for TDKR, however,  is that Bane seems to be taking a back-seat to all the chaos that will be going on. He's the main villain, definitely, but the trailer has it looking like he's building to something grander. As though he's simply a conductor to this pre-orchestrated apocalypse, showing up at the beginning to tell Batman his life is decidedly over, then returning to his lair to watch his masterpiece unfold while wearing a smoking jacket and stroking a white cat.

Pictured: Bane?

But we know that won't be the case. Not entirely, anyway. For those of us who know Batman's history with Bane, there's only one reason we're going to see this movie. We're going because we want to see Bane break Batman's spine. It's been integral to their relationship, so it's assumed it will occur. And high-five to Nolan for taking Bane, a villain who may seem a little ridiculous in the gritty realism of BatBale's world, and turning him into an intimidating badass. That mask is incredibly boss, and talk about a terrifying voice. This is going to be every bit as scary and fantastic as Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. Psyched to see Selina Kyle and the Batwing finally showing up as well.

So get ready, guys. Because the end's coming to Gotham, and it will be unforgettable.

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